Monday, April 20, 2009

Message From Gracie To Ms. T's Class

Hi Guys(Ms. T's Class)

Thanks for looking at our blog and all the messages you are sending me.
I want to invite you all to my Down Under B-day party. It'll be on Saturday May 2nd from 4pm to 6pm at my house. I'll send out invitations when I get back. I just wanted to let everyone know the plan so you can tell your parents.

I miss you all,

Love, Gracie


Blogger Kim Taylor said...

Dear Gracie, the party sounds wonderful BUT Taylor has a birthday party planned at the same time and date as your party. You may want to have it another weekend so more of your friends can go. We miss you too and look forward to having you back in class next week. Love Ms. T and the gang!

April 22, 2009 9:55 AM  
Blogger austin said...

hi its austin my mom made me a blog

April 28, 2009 9:55 AM  

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